Case Study: Lambda Legal
Create buzz and awareness around the ONE Lambda Legal Fundraising Campaign for 2021
Have a One Lambda Legal event website hub for all 2021 fundraising information and programming updates
Build-up participation and donations ahead of the National Fall Event
Include special moments for various regions during the fall week-long event
Host ONE Lambda Legal in the Fall of 2021 which will end with the National Event live-streamed
Create a website where all OLL content can be accessed including fundraising updates
Entice peer-to-peer fundraising and regional fundraising by creating challenges and goals to reach on the event hub
Curate a week-long program of virtual events
Regional pages with custom calendars
A microsite for PRIDE month
Live fundraising numbers embedded with an open API
Embedded clickable PDFS
Content Management System
Non-ticketed, and ticketed events, with RSVP capability.
Automated forms for corporate sponsors that used rules such as 'if they choose x, then y will show.'
Email marketing and automation
Regional Pages
These pages needed to include top fundraisers to keep competition among fundraisers. We also had to use VELO to embed code from another platform where we pulled live fundraising numbers. The client also needed a space for each region to download their respective toolkits and any other PDFS, and we used WIX's content manager to pull that dynamic content so we always had the most up-to-date information.
It was also imperative we had separate calendars for each event region that allowed someone to add details to their phones with a click of a button.
Digital Marketing
Utilize Facebook, Instagram, Google, and LinkedIn simultaneously for donations to reach a fundraising goal of $5M
Show the impact of what a dollar donated to OLL does, use creative and copy to show the need that Lambda Legal is fulfilling
Build-up participation and donations ahead of the National Fall Event
The goal is to reach an additional $10,000 in donations